Monday, 11 September 2017


  Ahh, it's September! When the dreaded "Back to School" signs start popping up in shops, making sure you have the right equipment, clothes and books for all the right classes. One word comes to my mind when it comes to School/College/Uni : STRESSFUL.  But, I'm not going to think about that. I'm going to think about one word: POSITIVITY.  Safe to say my summer hasn't exactly been all relaxing as I'd like it to be but I'm not coming on here for that sort of sympathy. I've come on here to update you about where I'll be for the next few months!

  I'll be returning to college to take a Level Two ICT course. Not the course I wanted to take but, hey sometimes life doesn't always go our way. Sorting everything out has been so stressful and by the time you're reading this I'll probably be back at college anyway! (I start tomorrow at 9 help!!)

  Now back to the word Positivity. I've been gloom ever since I was enrolled onto my course then I realised, If I'm gloomy all  my college life it'll get worse! So tomorrow I'm going into college with a positive attitude. I won't frown, get upset or be sad in anyway. I will be POSITIVE.

   So, blogging will take a SMALL step-back so I can prioritise college but when I can I'll be posting!

   Thanks for reading my ramble, I've hope you've had a good Summer and hope you all have a good year at Work/School/College/Uni whatever you do I hope it's great!


  Ahh, it's September! When the dreaded "Back to School" signs start popping up in shops, making sure you have the right equi...